S Dandria; F Gabbrielli; M Giamello; E Giorgi; A Magrini; E Manzoni; F Randazzo (2013) Grancia of Cuna: from the complexity of the historical building to a composed knowledge for the project. Built Heritage 2013 Monitoring Conservation Management, Milan, 99-106.
The Grancia of Cuna is located along the ancient Via Francigena (Via Cassia), a few hundred meters north of the town of Monteroni d’Arbia. The Grancia, notablefor its size, complexity and very good state of preservation, is one of thefi nest and rarest examples of a fortifi ed farm from the European Middle Ages.The brick complex consists of a small village surrounded by walls with gatesand towers. Within the walls is the actual farm and four storey granaries near the Palazzalti structure, which are accessed by a monumental partly covered ramp.